Terms and Conditions
Diligo Communication (the Company) provides a marketing platform where companies market their products, services and raise money through issuing shares or loans, in both public and private corporations. The Company does not provide any form of financial advice to its members/customers nor is it authorized to provide investment advice. The information you gain access to on DiligoEdge is only to be viewed as marketing material and not investment advice. Each member should consult with a financial advisor before making a decision on a potential investment in a company. Diligo Communication is not responsible for the marketing materials. All marketing materials are the responsibility of the company.
All information from DiligoEdge will be via e-mail via the website in either Swedish or English, online investor meetings or live investor meetings. These terms govern the relationship between members and the Company and how you can use the the platform DiligoEdge (www.diligoedge.com). The purpose of the services the Company provides is to bring together capital-seeking companies with investment-seeking people and companies. Members/customers at DiligoEdge are given the opportunity to invest in shares in one or more companies. Investments in issues in the companies presented on diligoedge.com normally take place through the acquisition of shares in a public limited company or a private company.
- Investments in unlisted and listed growth companies are normally associated with high risks. Many companies that are in the early stages will need to raise capital on recurring occasions or fail to grow according to stated ambition. The risk is therefore that many investments in such companies may be lost.
- Thus, no one should invest more in unlisted growth companies than they can handle such losses.
- Investments in unlisted and listed growth companies are often illiquid, which means that it can be difficult or take time before it is possible to divest your investment.
- Every investment is unique, which is why it is of the utmost importance to carefully evaluate the investment offer and the company before the customer makes an investment.
- The information displayed on DiligoEdge about the companies comes from the companies themselves and Diligo Communication has no responsibility for that information.
Members & clients
- To gain full access to the plattform you have to sig up for a membership. The membership is personel and be above 18 years old.
- The client is responsible for ensuring that all information they provide is up-to-date, correct and complete.
- It is prohibited to use so-called robots, spiders or other automatic tools (other than standard search engines such as Google) unless written approval is obtained from Diligo Communication in advance. The customer may also not improperly seek to damage DiligoEdge via excessive load or actively disrupt or prevent the functionality of the platform.
- Members are not given financial advice by Diligo Communication. Each member is urged to seek financial advice before investing in any financial product.
- Members can cancel their membership at any time by informing Diligo Communication via email to info@diligedge.com. If a client and wants to end their commitment, this can be done in accordance with agreement.
- If Diligo Communication wants to terminate or cease the marketing offer on DiligoEdge, Diligo Communication must terminate in accordance with the agreement between Diligo Communication and the client.
- If the marketing material presented by the client is proven to be incorrect or not up-to-date, the marketing campaign will be terminated immediately.
- Diligo Communication also has the right to suspend a member from commenting on DiligoEdge if he/she has acted in a way that is misleading or otherwise inappropriate.
Platform marketing
- diligoedge.com/diligo.dk is the platform where clients can market their cases and members/investors can view the markting material.
- To access member zone you need to become a member and create a login where your unique password is used. The password should be kept safe and if the username and/or password is misplaced, the customer should contact Diligo Communiation as soon as possible to avoid the account being misused.
- Member/clients is responsible for the information he leaves on diligoedge.com is correct.
- Membership is free.
Liability limitations
- Diligo Communication/members/clients is solely responsible for damage caused by his negligence.
- Diligo Communication is not responsible for inconvenience or damage that may be caused to the member/clients as a result of diligoedge.com being temporarily unable to be used due to a technical error.
- Diligo Communication makes no guarantees or representations regarding content, information, calculations, calculations or anything else presented on diligoedge.com if this originates from the company concerned or from a member of the company's community.
- Diligo Communication takes neither direct nor indirect responsibility for the investment offer and an investment is a matter between the investor and the issuing or listed company.